
Use the Old Login System


Old Login System


Student Course Requests

Welcome to Eastside Prep's Digital School Resources

Students / Parents / Guardians

Usernames for students are generally their EPS email address and EPS password. Usernames for parents are the email addresses which recieve the EPS Weekly News


Four11 is our Student Information System. You can find schedules, grade reports, booklists and unofficial transcripts in that location. Students should click the login button, parents and guardians should click the parent / guardian link. Note that at any given time int he school year, some of this information will not be available. For example during the summer, schedules are hidden while they are being built and transcripts are hidden while end-of-term grades are being entered.

Four11 is built by Eastside Prep, you will see it improve throughout your time at EPS. If something isn't working for let us know by emailing Jonathan Briggs. Students, ask your parents why four11 might refer to "information".


Canvas is our Learning Management System. You can find info specific to your courses in this area. Things like homework, current standing in classes, syllabi and other course materials. Parents also have read only access to what their students see on this system. Use the appropriate links for logging into that system as well.

Canvas is built by instructure with a few plugin-style modifications built by Eastside Prep. If you have questions about how that system works, reach out to your advisor. If you run into technical hurdles, send a note to

EPS Website

All school information resides on the EPS website: Much of the most useful family informaiton is under the Current Families link (top right). The password for this page is at the bottom of every EPS Weekly email.


After school activities are generally managed via teamsnap. Students and parents should have access via their email addresses here as well. This is often set up right before school starts.